Used cars for sale by owner in Indiana
By Jorja/mark
There are 2 vehicles listed below:
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If you are searching for cheap cars in Indiana for sale by owner, Jorja/mark from Bloomington, is selling these 2 preowned vehicles listed below. If you are interested in any of them, please, get in touch with the seller by calling at 812-349-8607 or using the seller contact form by pressing the 'SEND INQUIRY' button below. If any of these 2 cars isn't the one you are looking for, please use the search tools at the top, to find more available at lower prices.

5 Photos
Wanting to trade for a truck or SUV with hitch. Good van just need something with a hitch to pull...

3 Photos
Good running car. Looking to trade for an SUV or truck with hitch. Great condition.