What's the cheapest car you have owned?

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Cheap Cars Guy
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Written on: 12-05-2011 02:56pm    Title: What's the cheapest car you have owned?
Let's face it. Nobody wants to drive a cheap car. If you could or you have the money, you'd have a more expensive car than you already have or at least a new one, but the truth is that most people have started with a cheap or economical vehicle on their record, so that:

What's the cheapest car you have owned or driven?

I, for example, don't forget my first car, a 2-door Nissan Sentra with manual transmission starting in the year 2000, which cost me around $3K. Very nice car. Driving the Sentra I could test the Japanese quality. During the time I owned this vehicle, I never took it to the workshop for major repairs or something.

You already know where to go to sell or find the most economy and affordable cheap used cars in USA: .:: Autopten.com ::.
nissan-sentra-1994.jpg It looked just like the picture 73.54 KB
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Hot Girl
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Written on: 12-05-2011 05:42pm      
When I was 16 I got my first car, a Toyota Camry, very good car by the way. It was the cheapest I 've had. Someday, I'd like to have a 40k car, probably a new BMW or something smiley correction, a $60k or $70k dollars car.
"You car say too much about you, so be careful what car are you driving" - The Hottest Car Girl
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Joined: 12-05-2011
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Written on: 12-06-2011 03:12pm      
The worst and cheapest car I have owned was a freaking Ford Taurus Wagon, it cost like $1,800 and the same day I took it out from the dealer the transmission failed. I had to return it back. I wouldn't recommend any kind of Ford Taurus to anybody. Cheers!smiley
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