Tesla Is One of The Favorite Automakers in the U.S.

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Written on: 02-09-2014 10:57pm    Title: Tesla Is One of The Favorite Automakers in the U.S.

This was concluded after research made by Consumer Reports. According to the Car-Brand Perception Survey 2014 of Consumer Consumers (CR), the automotive firm Tesla is the fifth preferred by buyers in America after Chevrolet, Honda, Ford, and Toyota, who rank first in the country.

This big leap to fifth place is a huge step forward for Tesla, which ranked tenth in 2013. The Consumer Reports survey was applied to 1,578 owners of new cars who were questioned about their favorite brands and comprised areas such as performance, value, safety, quality, design, fuel economy, and technology.

The fact that Tesla is among the five favorite U.S. manufacturers and is above brands like Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz, according to Consumer Reports, makes reference to a strong change in the perception of drivers about electric cars as an alternative means of transport.

What does Tesla do for selling too many vehicles?

A Tesla S vehicle in production.
A Tesla S vehicle in production.
The Tesla S, for example, is an electric car that is part of a brand with little history or reputation, and it is not necessarily affordable, but even so, it is being sold very well. In the United States, this model already has a market share in the premium luxury segment of 8.4%, selling in certain months more vehicles than certain models of big brands like BMW or Mercedes-Benz.

In fact, they sell everything they manufacture and from their plants come out already between 400 and 500 units per week. Such is the demand for this car of Tesla, that they are even considering increasing production to 800 units a week.

For the moment, depending on the version and equipment requested, the delivery of the Tesla S model can take between one and three months. It is a bit difficult to know the exact number of their vehicle sales because the brand rather not talk about it, but it is estimated that in 2012 about 6,000 units were sold and in 2013 they sold worldwide over 25,000 units, with approximately 4,750 units sold in the first quarter.

Indeed, if a car, despite being electric and nothing cheap, is sold so well, it has to be because of something. What does Tesla have then to sell so much? Originality, design, cutting-edge technology, features, and most important, environmental sense.

Some interesting facts:

- Vermont is #1 in the percentage of electricity generated from renewables: 99.9%.
- Texas, the top producer of renewable energy, relies mainly on wind turbines.
- Some states that lag behind lack the size and geographic features that top producers use to scale up.

Read new research on the top US states in renewable energy production — ​Top 15 States for Renewable Energy Production.
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Joined: 12-14-2011
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Written on: 02-11-2014 09:14am    Title: Tesla Is One of The Favorite Automakers in the U.S.  
The Tesla S is one of the most amazing cars we have right now in the market, and a worthy competitor of many of the BMW's and Mercedes-Benz we know, lucky those who can afford one of these environment friendly vehicles.
Peace, Love, United, Respect... that's my religion ;-J
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Joined: 01-20-2012
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Written on: 02-13-2014 11:49pm    Title: Tesla Is One of The Favorite Automakers in the U.S.  
I'd really love to own a Tesla, they look so fancy and ... unreachable
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Joined: 02-15-2012
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Written on: 02-18-2014 09:09am    Title: Tesla Is One of The Favorite Automakers in the U.S.  
Tesla is definitively one of the most favorite and most expected cars in USA. I just remember last year somebody signed a petition in the White House website asking the government to allow Tesla Motors to sell directly to consumers in all 50 states. The petition was created on Jun 05, 2013, and so far it has 128,999 signed petitions. It already reached the goal of 100,000 signatures, but the government hasn't answered yet.

If you want to help and keep pushing, sign the We The People petition to allow Tesla Motors to sell directly to consumers in all 50 states in the WhiteHouse site.
Just be baby.
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